It contributes to the work, strengthening and agendas of organizations that build resilience in the face of the environmental and climate crisis, oppressive economic systems and limited hegemonic punitive justice. To this end, they work to defend territories and natural assets, influencing, leading and building comprehensive alternatives that link gender justice with economic, environmental, climate and restorative justice.
Support organizations that promote and defend the right of people to decide about their lives, bodies, identities, orientations and gender expressions, which also respond to the growing fundamentalist and anti-rights wave, avoiding further democratic setbacks in spaces and rights. already won.
It contributes to the work, strengthening and agendas of groups, organizations and/or networks that seek protection and the right to a life free of violence (structural, physical, emotional, symbolic and economic), the right to migrate in safe and dignified conditions. , the rights of maquila and domestic workers, and the recognition of care work.
It mainly contributes to the physical and emotional sustainability of organizations, and of those who are part of them. They are specific supports aimed at the well-being, care and safety of those who defend human rights.