Organized women hold the key to economic justice in Guatemala

Organized women hold the key to economic justice in Guatemala

Feminist economics seeks to reduce the gender gap and the labor and economic inequality experienced by women. It is a comprehensive perspective that recognizes that the systems we inhabit are not set up to meet everyone’s needs. Feminist economics is both a political commitment that questions classical, hegemonic economics and an invitation to rethink domestic, care, productive and reproductive work, which have traditionally fallen to women.

The risks for women land defenders in Honduras

The risks for women land defenders in Honduras

In Honduras, the most emblematic struggles to protect the environment have been and are led by women. Elena Gaitán is the only woman facing charges in her community after they stood up to a hydroelectric plant that was given a concession on the Jilamito River in the department of Atlántida.

Honduran women create a solidarity fabric against extractivism

Honduran women create a solidarity fabric against extractivism

Betty Vásquez Rivera, an indigenous Lenca feminist, serves as coordinator in Movimiento Ambientalista Santa Barbarense (MAS) de Mujeres por la Vida in Honduras. Her analysis and reflections, which are presented below, focus on the impacts of COVID-19 and hurricanes Eta and Iota, defenders’ struggle against the construction of large-scale projects that are presented as economic and development alternatives, and the Honduran government’s lack of response to recent natural disasters.